
Yuvashree – active learner and passionate about sports

Yuvashree, a class 8th student, the eldest in a four-member family from Padappai, Chennai, was unable to express herself and froze when asked to come up in front of her class or on stage.

An active learner and passionate about sports, Yuvashree hit a brick wall because of growing anxiety. So much so that she stopped taking part in competitions and games. Her parents, who are daily wagers, did not know what was wrong with her and felt hopeless to see their bright spark dim.

DYK – According to World Health Organisation (WHO) data on mental health, every 1 in 3 adolescents will suffer from an anxiety disorder.

When Arutjothi, KHUSHII’s mental health counsellor, took an assessment test of the students, she realized that Yuvashree had high anxiety levels and enrolled her on KHUSHII’s Mental Health Counselling programme – Manoshakti.

Things changed for the better ever since Yuvashree started with the mental health programme. KHUSHII counsellor counselled Yuvashree with her parents and conducted ten focused counselling sessions. Yuvashree, under the guidance of the expert, enthusiastically practised positive visualization and colour breathing exercises with guided imagery. After the sessions, the counsellor followed up regularly with Yuvashree, her teachers and her parents for her well-being.

Following the counselling, regular follow-ups and one-to-one meetings, Yuvashree found new confidence in herself and, with vigour, started participating in competitions and games. Recently, she won a gold medal in the Zonal (District) level competition for Silambam. (Silambam is an Indian martial art originating in South India. It derives from the Tamil word ‘Silam’, meaning the hill. The term ‘Silambambu’ refers to a particular type of bamboo from the Kurinjimala (Kurinji hills) in present-day Kerala)

Happiness (KHUSHII) is in ensuring that every child gets an education and an opportunity for overall development.

“My victory in Silambam would not have been possible if Sandhar and KHUSHII did not support me in overcoming my fears.” – Yuvashree

We sincerely thank Sandhar for supporting KHUSHII’s programmes for students in Padappai, Chennai government school.

  • Category : Education
  • By Team Di
  • July 28, 2022
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