1 out of 3 women in
India are illiterate
and unskilled
Keeping children in school also involves a holistic addressing of the economic status of the community. One of KHUSHII’s important objectives includes addressing this and we work towards breaking the poverty cycle of low skills leading to reduced employment opportunities and hence low self-esteem.
We mitigate vulnerabilities through regular mobilization on the identified challenges in the community, which allows us to empower the community members through skill development and facilitating linkages.
At KHUSHII we know that education is the first step towards empowerment, and hence we aim to create immediate impact in the short term in the form of improved learning outcomes. We achieve this through community-based initiatives and government school quality enhancement programmes. Further, the programmes seek to equip children, their families and community members with life skills and garner income generation opportunities to improve their overall living standards, by creating awareness and sensitizing parents towards the need of education.
Millions of Indians do not have access to adequate healthcare, food and nutrition, education and livelihood. In the education domain, support of student’s families and communities is crucial to the success…
The proportion of formally skilled workers in India is extremely low, at 4.69% of the total workforce. Youth unemployment is a major concern, because they enter the labour market without appropriate skills.