
KHUSHII brings a glimmer of hope to Savitri’s life

In her short life of 29 years, Savitri has seen enough tragedy and suffering to break the bravest of persons. She lost her father to cancer when she was just ten. At barely 16, an age where she should have been in school, her family got her married. She had three children. But even there, life found a way to be unkind. She lost her husband in 2015, leaving her and the three children alone, with no kith or kin to take care of them.

As if that were not enough, she had to deal with another back-breaking blow. Her 6-year-old daughter was brutally abused. She was severely injured physically and also started suffering from the post- traumatic disorder.

It is at this point of despair that Savitri came in touch with KHUSHII. With the intervention and support provided by KHUSHII, the child is showing signs of recovery and improvement in behavior and response.

KHUSHII has also provided moral and financial support to Savitri. KHUSHII employed her as a caretaker in KHUSHII’s Shikshaantra School at Devil. Savitri shared a desire to educate herself and with KHUSHII’s help, she got admitted to the National Institute of Open Schooling. Since then her confidence has grown and she intends to continue her studies so that she can give a better life to her family.

Thanks to generous donors like you, KHUSHII has brought a semblance of normalcy to Savitri’s life. Yet, there are many more like her from vulnerable families who need our help.

This International Women’s Day, celebrate meaningfully by committing your support for the benefit of more women like Savitri.

  • Category : Shikshaantra Plus
  • By Team Di
  • November 28, 2020
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